Uova fresche da allevamento bio da gallina livornese allevata all’aperto «Edizione limitata» x 4 pz
4,06 €
The organic feed of the hens is further enriched with flax and hemp seeds, which make the egg even more appetizing in terms of flavor and above all «good» for the health of those who eat it. In fact, flax and hemp seeds contain high quantities of Omega 3 of vegetable origin, which the hen transforms during digestion, laying eggs rich in Omega 3 of animal origin (easier for our body to assimilate). Precious allies of our health, they have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, brain activity, even mood and help fight chronic diseases, immune as well as inflammatory disorders.
Categorías: Huevos, Huevos de gallinas de Livornese, Huevos y quesos